Tag Archives: hummingbird

Backyard Bird Photographs Northeast Pennsylvania

Backyard Bird Photographs

Taken with my Olympus camera. Watching these beautiful creatures is a treat that I am thankful to be able to share.

Hummingbird at a feeder out front

Cardinal and Snow Bird share a snowy afternoon together in the yard

Backyard Birds Photographs

Stunned Gold Finch after flying into the widows

Backyard Birds Photographs

Red Belly Woodpecker keeps our trees insect free šŸ™‚

Pialeted Woodpecker

Pileated Woodpecker does major woodwork on the trees

Red Breasted Grosbeak under the feeder

gold finch

One more glass victim, my husband is holding him.

gold finch Backyard Birds Photographs

I think this Gold Finch did not want to leave. My husband, Dean was bouncing him on his hand trying to get him ready to fly off

Backyard Birds Photographs

I was home alone when this Titmouse hit the window so I had to get down to ground level for a good shot.

This is a great camera to take wildlife and nature photographs

Olympus Evolt E500 8MP Digital SLR

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