Tag Archives: vaccinate

Stock up on Gifts Every $30 Order Vaccinates a Sheltered Pet

I got an email today from the site Animal Rescue and I want to share it. This site is a wonderful place that donates food to sheltered animals for every sale made. The products they carry range from the every day to the very unique. If you are an animal lover this is one place you must check out. Today they are giving vaccinations to a sheltered pet looking for a forever home when you make a purchase of only $30 and use the code VACCINATE

I know it is early to even think about the Christmas holidays but why not get some done while helping animals.  I am going to make a little note and add it to each gift saying your gift vaccinated a sheltered animal.  This way every time they use their gift this will add a very special memory.

Every item purchased also feeds sheltered animals.

Below is just one of the unique items you will find.



Every $30 Order Vaccinates A Shelter Pet, Free! Code: VACCINATE


I visit this site every day because there is a button that you can click on that will automatically give food to sheltered animals. They then show you a graft that tells you the amount of food already donated for the day.

Sheltered pets